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Monday, October 31, 2011

Pneumonia Treatment

Pneumonia Treatment

The treatment of  pneumonia varies according to the case. In mild case, generally caused by a virus, no treatment at all may be necessary. However, where the child's breathing is laboured and if his tongue looks bluer than normal, then oxygen will be needed. If  part of the lungs has collapsed or if it sounds as thought the child has a great ideal of phlegm in his lungs, physiotherapy may be needed. 

Lobar pneumonia can be cured within two days with penicillin given by injection. The less clear-cut pneumonia's of infants and babies may or may not respond to against bacteria but not viruses.
Many cases of pneumonia can be treated at home, especially it breathing is not inadequate. Whether or not a child is sent to hospital, however, depends on his age, the severity of the illness, the anxiety of the doctor, the reaction of the parents and the adequacy of their home for housing a sick child-particularly in terms of warmth, damp and overcrowding.

Pneumonia Recovery

Complete recovery is the rule. And if the course of the illness is uncomplicated there is usually no need for convalescence. Most children return to school in a fortnight. With the exception of the newborn, for whom pneumonia in the first week or two of life is a dangerous even requiring intensive care and possibly mechanical ventilation, an attack of pneumonia neither weakens the child of pneumonia neither weakens the child, nor, as a general rule, the lungs.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What is colic ?

Already a mother of twins, Delphine imagined that the arrival of her third child would happen in serenity. But Jean has colic just changed the game !

Bebevallee: At what age your son he started to suffer from colic ?

Delphine: About three or four weeks. He began to cry during the day.He was squirming all over the place, and that's a sign that I recognized that he had colic. It really seemed to suffer from stomach.

What did you do for relief ?

Actually, I tried everything! I started by giving an herbal remedy sold in pharmacies. I also administered because it Gaviscon regurgitation. I made him take Doliprane to relieve pain. I rub her belly. I even went to an osteopath who has done a few sessions of manipulation.

What were the most effective remedies ?

It's hard to say because I just did everything together, I just could not let him suffer like this because it was obvious he was suffering. What I noticed is that he calmed down when I took against me, her belly against my skin. So, I wore constantly baby carrier, which allowed me to have a free hand to look after my twins were just two years. It was not very pleasant for adults, not very convenient for me, but at least it allowed John to calm down! Against me, he recovered his composure .... I had also known as "graft" !

When colic were they arrested ?

When John was 3 months and a half or so. It was quite miraculous in the space of a week or two, colic is gone and he stopped to suffer.Jean became a baby calm and quiet, it has remained ever since! He's always a calm and serene, what would never have suspected, seeing between 1 and 3 months !

How have you lived through that period of colic ?

I was not worried about his health, which was already an important point. However, these two / three months have been very physically demanding. I was really exhausted. I had imagined that the arrival of the third would be so easy after twins, I really fell in height! I was distraught to see my son suffer, when I had not encountered such difficulties with my first two.

What would you say to mothers whose babies suffer from colic ?

Simply, is that this is a purely mechanical and that one should draw any conclusions about the character of the child and its future development! The repeated cry of my son during those two months did not prevent him from becoming a father when his intestines still gave him the break! I also remember that some people around me were shocked that I keep Jean pressed against me for days. "It is capricious," I was told. What I noticed is that it has become very independent when he was old enough to explore the world, and that these two months of my proximity to him in any way have given the wrong habits! Colic is a bad time to pass, that does not last. You just bite the bullet and wait it out without panic.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Daily Care

How To Care Your Baby ?


If you are breastfeeding, be sure to feed your child, if requested. Thus, while claiming the breast, after one hour, you will answer his call.
If you bottle-feed, space the taken at least 2:30. Do well to burp after every meal, upright, gently pat baby's back. Do not change brands of milk, without consulting your doctor.

The exchange

It is often advised to change her baby to avoid irritation. The first few months, you will change diapers, about 8 times per day. Do not use too much cream chemical cleaning. In most cases, a glove moist and a little soap will do. Otherwise, doctors recommend the use of liniment, bought in pharmacies, or done by your own care.The most common ailments of babies

Red buttocks

Red buttocks, or diaper rash is very common. Prevention, it is often advisable to change her child, and do not use harsh products.
However, if your baby is suffering from irritation, apply Bepanthen ointment type, sold in drugstores.


On the medical side, a baby has a fever if their body temperature exceeds 38.5 °. In this case, you may, at first, give a dose of  Doliprane, an eyedropper, or by suppository. If the fever persists, call your doctor.


Your baby has a stuffy nose, he has trouble breathing, coughing and perhaps he? It is likely that he caught a nasty cold. Unfortunately, there is not much to do. You will need the nose several times during the day, especially before each meal. For this, use a fly-baby, or the traditional method, by ejecting a half pipette saline in each nostril.

Colds can be transformed in bronchiolitis. If your child has lost his appetite, does not play much, wheezing, and phlegm, see your doctor. He will probably need chest physiotherapy sessions.The doctor
It is essential to keep your baby, your doctor or a pediatrician.
The first six months, it is recommended that a medical visit, a month and then less often.

The weight and size of the child will be checked. In addition, mandatory vaccinations will be administered to him.