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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How To Feed Your Baby

Find out how to feed your baby ?

Baby is there and you wonder how to feed your child. Indeed, the infant nutritional needs differ from those of an adult. We must therefore adapt feeding your baby to their specific needs to ensure balanced growth. 

Sometimes your baby meets little annoyances, it should always be treated with caution. Often they are easy to solve, however, if the problem were to persist, consult your doctor.

Baby sleeps a lot, should we wake him up to feed him ? 

As the weight curve is satisfactory, there is no need to worry, let it sleep so long as he wants. How do I know if my child is getting enough milk? How to ensure that baby has drunk enough for a meal? To see if your child receives the quantities of milk it needs, just observe it. If he gains weight and do not cry after feeding, it is getting enough milk. Weighing a week or a month is enough to reassure you. 

What if my baby is bloated, a colic, a stomach ache ? 

The term "colic" means abdominal pain caused by gas in the intestine. They are frequent (more than half of babies suffer from colic) and often benign. They disappear naturally to 3-4 months. The cause is not well defined but are related to the digestive immaturity of a baby, or an excessive intake of air during feeding. To relieve baby, be sure to let stand the bottle after preparation to remove air bubbles. Check the throughput of the nipple, give the bottle slowly and make sure to make many baby burping to remove swallowed air. You can rock it, positioning it flat on one hand. You can rub her belly. This is often soothing but feel free to talk to your doctor who will check if colic do not reflect a digestive disease. 

My baby has hiccups, how to help him calm down ? 

Having the hiccups for a baby has nothing to worry about. If it lasts, you can put your baby to nurse and cuddle until the hiccups stop. 

My baby spits up, what to do ?

Regurgitation often accompany the rot. It is a natural way to get rid of the overflow of milk for the baby who drank too fast or too much. When baby effortlessly returns some fresh milk, and if growth is normal and his hunger sated, there is no cause for concern: the regurgitation disappeared late in the first year.However, if regurgitation is abnormal is to say, heavy or frequent or occurring at any time of day or night or as soon as baby changes position, the cause must be sought and you should consult your doctor . inconvenience.
My baby threw up all his food, what should I do ? 

Unlike regurgitation, a baby vomits, through the mouth expelling large amounts even his entire meal is unusual. We must see a doctor because these symptoms are often caused by disease. 

What if my baby has diarrhea ?

Your child has diarrhea if his stools are more frequent (3-8 times a day) and more liquid. Diarrhea can be caused by a virus, bacteria and may also coincide with teething or other type of ear infections … Whatever the cause, we must compensate for water loss at the first sign to avoid dehydration. Give water or water associated with rehydration solution is the first step of an emergency. We must see a doctor as soon as possible and as soon as baby is young. If baby is listless, drowsy, his skin is wrinkled, his mouth is dry is that it is dehydrated and needs to be rushed to the hospital. My baby is constipated ...Constipation is a slow transit:-For babies under 6 months: less than one bowel movement per day-For babies over 6 months: less than 3 stools per week correlated with the more or less dry stools. It is possible that fluid intake is insufficient. It should of course seek the advice of your doctor for any case of constipation. The first step is to provide drinking water to your baby. Also, your doctor may recommend that you give water rich in magnesium. It is important not to over tighten baby in layers and leave a cycling time without layers and massaging her abdomen.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How To Care For A Baby

Dress your baby with raw cotton 

Dress a baby in cotton clothing is really the ideal. We forget synthetic materials, they trap heat and are very comfortable for baby. If your toddler is too hot, the contact of this material could bite, scratch it. Choose lightweight fabrics and avoid the rays of sun are in direct contact with the delicate skin of your child. Choose a sunscreen with advice from your pharmacist. Choose a strong protection against UV rays to prevent sunburn. If you make him wear a hat, choose an edge wide enough and its size. Models with elastic straps should be avoided, they can compress the upper neck, chin baby.
Stay indoors during the hottest hours of the day (between 11 and 16 hours)The best protection when extremely hot, is to stay inside the house. If you must leave, take all necessary precautions to protect your little one. Prefer morning walks or evening. Be sure to remove unnecessary padding of the stroller or pram, they trap heat and prevents air circulation.
It reduces everything, even down! 

When possible, choose a different layer, lighter. Sweat band at the home may cause redness or rash around the waist. Instead, choose models of special layers for the beach or pool. Threaded like a pant, they are cooler and avoid a rash of rash or heat rash.
Make him drink more! 
Give him more often in the form of beverage feedings of water or fruit juice.
If your baby has not yet six months, only that you feed in, you do not need to give additional water. Studies in warm climates have shown that infants who had access at will within does not dehydrated. Breast milk contains mostly water, during periods of heat babies tend to go more often and in less time. With this practice, they can make the most of colostrum milk. Let your child take as many feedings he wants, he will have enough water. The bottle-fed babies may, in turn, have a supply of extra water when it is hot.
Avoid, if possible, to buy ice creams and sorbets from vendors 

Avoid food that you do not know the source (especially street vendors on the beaches). Always carry a small supply of water when you go out with your child. Invest in sealed plastic boxes to carry the baby food. Always be vigilant in case of rupture of the cold chain or in case of doubt about the quality of a product. Do not enjoy baby!
Creams, oils specifically designed for baby care 

During the summer, opt for moisturizers or massage oils specifically designed for baby's skin. Her skin is very fragile, take it in the utmost care. Ask your pharmacist or dermatologist, he will guide you to find the right product for his delicate skin.
Talc is not a barrier to heat and sweat baby 

If you are a fan of talc, be sure to wipe the skin before each scattering. Too many people are convinced that after the bath, the powder will have a cooling effect on the toddler. It is a misconception, talc, wet to the skin, can have a plaster and cause irritation. Limit its use to sensitive areas such as the area of ​​the layer. Do not overdo it and penetrate well done.
Solutions anti red buttocks 

When baby has red buttocks, it is always handy to have on hand in his toilet bag a cream of zinc oxide. Its action on the redness is fast and effective relief. We find these creams in pharmacies, please ask your pharmacist for advice.
Let your baby "experiment" water games 

Summer is the best time to let your baby play with water. You can put it in a small inflatable pool with a shallow water and her favorite toys. Let him splash the "patouille" they love it! He will love to spray all that surrounds it. Warning! Never leave your child alone unattended even seconds. In France, drowning is the leading cause of death by accident in children under 5. Always stay with him!
Attention to the air just after a bath 

After bathing baby, beware conditioned spaces. Turn on the air once it is dressed, her hair dried. If you stay with your child in an air conditioned room all day, it would be wise to dress in clothes made of cotton a little thicker. Newborns quickly catch cold when they are not sufficiently covered.
Do not let the blasts of cold air falling directly on your baby 

We always appreciate the freshness brought by the air conditioning in the house. It should however be careful that the cold air flow can not directly where baby sleeps or plays. Do not go from an air conditioned room to a room without turning off more moderate cooling in the first room before to let your baby get used to, gently, to temperature changes.

Avoid fancy sunglasses baby 

It's always fun to wear glasses fancy small. Before you buy a model, consult an ophthalmologist or optician. If you want to make him wear sunglasses, make sure they are with European standards. Avoid plastic glasses especially those sold by street vendors or in toy stores. They do not protect against UV rays and can damage your child's eyes when high exposures.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bronchitis-Causes, Symptoms And Bronchiolitis

What Is Bronchitis ?

Bronchitis is the name given to inflammation of the bronchitis the large air tubes to the lungs: in response to infection, the lining of the tubes becomes swollen, fluid-filled and engorged with blood. There are two distinct types of bronchitis: acute bronchitis, which is an infection; and wheezy bronchitis, which may be partly, or totally, caused by an allergy. Treatment of the two condition is quite different, so diagnosis is very important.


Any germ breathed in and carried down towards the lungs may settle in the bronchitis and cause infection. These air tubes may respond to this infection by becoming swollen, thus narrowing the diameter of the airway. Dead and dying infected tissue lining the bronchi will then be shed as sputum, more commonly knows as phlegm. The situation, however, is sometimes more complicated: the child may have inherited, possibly unknown to all, a tendency to asthma. And, if this becomes obvious only when the child has a cough or cold, his or her condition-may be temped by some doctors as wheezy bronchitis. Children do not suffer from the disease which in this, there is permanent bronchitis; in this, there is permanent bronchial damage due mainly to cigarette smoking. Nevertheless, bronchitis is commoner in children whose parent smoke. It is also more common in boys than in girls, in children who are overweight, or who live in crowded urban areas and in poor housing condition. A child may also be more prone to bronchitis if a member of his or her family suffer from asthma, eczema or hay fever.


Often, the first sings of bronchitis are those of a cold. But after a few days, the child develops a moderately raised temperature of 37.2° C to 37.8° C (99° F to 100° F), coughs, sounds chesty and may wheeze. In severe cases, the child may have difficulty breathing, and complain of tightness across the chest. Sucking in of the chest on breathing in, is a prolonged compared with breathing in, is a sign that the airway is obstructed. There may also be more obvious signs, such as coughing up a grayish white, yellow or green phlegm; however this is unlikely in a child under seven years old as younger children tend to swallow sputum. Fortunately, acute bronchitis is rarely severe and usually lasts about ten days, although there may be residual cough for some time. Wheezy bronchitis may last longer, occur repeatedly and eventually merge into typical asthma. If there is no wheeze, but after a week the cough gets much worse, then the child may have whooping cough.


Between the ages of three and eighteen months, babies are prone to a related condition called bronchitis. The bronchioles are a smaller set of air tubes. This condition occur in epidemics every winter and is invariably caused by a virus (RSV). Symptoms are similar to bronchitis but the cough features less than the breathlessness and general difficulty in breathing; fine wheezes may be heard when the baby breathes out. Bronchiolitis is often very severe, with the baby becoming blue exhausted and unable to feed. Sometimes there is associated pneumonia and the heart is put under great strain. But with careful nursing in hospital, using oxygen, intravenous or stimulants, virtually all babies makes a complete recovery. READ MORE